I'm Shahida, and I'm so excited to have you here! I'm a proud home cook, a wife and a mother of two.
Over the years, I've experimented with lots and lots of different homemade seasoning mixes, sauces, condiments, dips, pickled foods, and more!
I'm a spice lover at heart and love trying out new recipes from different parts of the world. From the tangy and spicy mixes and concoctions of Mexico to the sugar-laden sprinkles and preserves with hints of American flavors, you'll find everything here!
Creamy, salty, spicy, tangy, and savory- we've covered anything and everything you can think of, and then some more.
You'll love the simplicity of my recipes, and the fact that most of them can last you weeks, if not longer.
Give a few of them a try, and you won't go back to the packaged, store-bought ones- its a promise!
Let's take your taste buds on a trip around the world- one condiment at a time!